Cover of David Leo Rice's-Authored Books
Europe, 2020. Some claim that the Berlin Wall, once a living entity, is coming back together, its scattered pieces seeking reunion on the far side of history.
Cover of David Leo Rice's-Authored Books
THE NEW HOUSE is dream novel exploring a family of outsider artists roaming the American interior in search of the New Jerusalem, loosely inspired by the hermetic worlds of Joseph Cornell.
Cover of David Leo Rice's-Authored Books
CHILDREN OF THE NEW FLESH is a wide-ranging compendium of reflections on the enduring impact of David Cronenberg, one of the most significant filmmakers of all time.
Cover of David Leo Rice's-Authored Books
DRIFTER is a collection containing a decade's worth of short fiction by David Leo Rice, with work first published in 'The Fanzine', 'The Rumpus', 'Black Clock', 'DIAGRAM' and elsewhere.
Cover of David Leo Rice's-Authored Books
After crossing a vast inland sea in an ark called ANGEL HOUSE, Professor Squimbop docks on a distant shore.
Cover of David Leo Rice's-Authored Books
A ROOM IN DODGE CITY follows a nameless drifter into an American heart of darkness.
Cover of David Leo Rice's-Authored Books
A ROOM IN DODGE CITY VOLUME 2 is a Bildungsroman couched in a tale of folk horror and cosmic paranoia and an elegy for the declining art of cinema.
Cover of David Leo Rice's-Authored Books
THE PORNME TRINITY is a novella exploring surveillance state psychology and the solitary consolations of pornography.